Shapewear as Outerwear? Waistdear is your perfect option

Did you know that now you can wear your favorite shapewear as outerwear? If you didn’t know there’s a new trend in town, and now your shapewear has evolved and can be worn as outerwear. Which in our opinion is definitely a great and stylish innovation and makes it simpler for women to wear shapewear.

This new trend is called wholesale shapewear outerwear. And this new style means that your shapewear now looks like normal and daily wear clothing. Yes, the ones you would wear on a daily basis.


Why has this trend become so popular?

This trend has become quite popular thanks to influencers and celebrities alike. They have been sharing their outfits with their favorite shapewear outerwear. One of the most popular pieces they have been rocking has been bodysuits. Usually paired with high-waisted jeans, this is one of the most popular outfits you’ll see people wearing.

But there’s also a reason why this is so popular and people are starting to turn into it, it’s because, while the shaping benefits of wholesale shapewear are amazing, sometimes wearing so many layers of clothing over them makes it a tedious process to take off and put on depending on the situation.


Surely many of us have been in the following position, at least once in our life. Wearing a nice bodysuit or shapewear, and then maybe a top or blouse and jeans to go out, and when you decided to go to the restroom it meant you basically needed to get naked in order to be able to go to the bathroom, and that all in a little cubicle.

So, who wouldn’t want to avoid wearing so many layers if they could get an easier and faster process? We know most of you if not all of you would. There are many shapewear outerwear styles, like tops, leggings pants, and jumpsuits, and also you can find a built-in shaper dress. Whatever you choose to wear, make sure it makes you feel comfortable and look stylish and your best.

Waistdear, your perfect option

If there’s one brand we love because it has been providing us with the best shapewear and shapewear outerwear. They are not only an innovative shapewear brand that produces eco-friendly and stylish pieces but they are also the leading factory and manufacturer.

They not only have over 12 years of experience in the shapewear market, but their business covers over 150 countries around the world, and also have a highly experienced staff that works hard to make your experience working with them and buying from them the best one you could have.

They offer a wide range of wholesale shapewear products, that are inclusive in sizes and come in many different styles and colors. You could find sportswear, post-surgery shapewear, waist trainers, and inner and outer shapewear. They also have a plus-size category too. You will always find something not only for your specific needs at the moment, but also that will go with your personal style and preferences too.

Dove Clinical Desodorante

O Desodorante Antitranspirante Aerosol Dove Clinical promete 96h de proteção contra a transpiração. Com a fragrância Original Clean, contém 1/4 de creme hidratante na composição e 0% de álcool etílico.

Embalagem com 91g, equivalente a 150ml

Embalagem do desodorante aerosol

O Dove Clinical é indicado para quem transpira demais e também para quem tem o odor do suor mais forte na região da axila. Eu já faço uso de outro similar também chamado Clinical, mas da marca concorrente. Quando tem esse nome já sei que é um pouco mais caro mas promete dar conta do recado :)

Minha opinião: tenho bromidrose axilar, popularmente conhecida como cecê. Faço uso somente de desodorante aerosol, que é o que se dá melhor comigo, e para sair de casa uso dessas linhas Clinical, para não ficar na mão. Esse da Dove tem o cheirinho suave, mas ainda prefiro o da Rexona, que inclusive é mais barato. Sinto que transpirei mais :(

Dove nas redes sociais: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube

Siàge Nutri Ouro Eudora

O Shampoo e Condicionador Siàge Nutri Ouro da Eudora promete uma nutrição profunda até a 3ª camada dos fios. Enriquecido com partí­culas de Ouro e Óleo de Marula, fortalece e garante maciez e cabelos encorpados. Com proteção térmica.

Shampoo de 250 ml e Condicionador de 200 ml

Composição: Shampoo com Sulfato

Aspecto: Shampoo perolado e Condicionador consistente,
ambos com partículas de brilho aparente

Resultado final

Minha opinião: essa linha é muito perfumada, cheiro de importado.
Senti que hidratou e nutriu bem os meus fios. Aprovados!

A linha conta também com Máscara Capilar Fortalecedora e Leave-In

Eudora nas redes sociais: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube | Twitter